Jformdesigner License 8
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This means that if you license an addressable device under theSoftware License and Activation Plan for Addressable Devices with 32GB ofstorage, your entitlements will be sufficient to cover an addressable devicein the same capacity. This does not apply to any addressable device on whichthe application has been removed or the application data on the addressabledevice has been modified.
The License and Activation Plan for Addressable Devices is for applicationsonly. If you include an addressable device in a server deployment, yourentitlements will be sufficient to cover an addressable device in the samecapacity.
The License and Activation Plan for Addressable Devices does notsupport Microsoft Windows and Linux based devices. If you have a MicrosoftWindows and Linux based device, you can use the Application Entitlementsoffered by the offering.
The License and Activation Plan for Addressable Devices does notsupport Microsoft Windows Mobile devices using any other architecture.If you have a Microsoft Windows Mobile device using another architecture, youcan use the Application Entitlements offered by the offering.
The License and Activation Plan for Addressable Devices also does notsupport Microsoft Windows 10 IoT Core devices, other Windows 10 operatingsystems or other platforms. If you have a Microsoft Windows 10 IoT Coredevice, you can use the Application Entitlements offered by the offering.
For Microsoft Windows Mobile devices using the Addressable Architecture, theLicense and Activation Plan for Addressable Devices supports either 32GB or 64GB ofstorage, depending on the specific device and the edition license. For moreinformation about Microsoft Windows Mobile devices using the AddressableArchitecture, visit http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/mobile/operatingsystems/os-overview.html.
mysql> UPDATE powerdns_domains SET serialnum = (SELECT MAX(serialnum) FROM powerdns_domains) WHERE serialnum < (select serialnum from powerdns_users where username ='myUser');
This example will change the serial of all users who already registered and the global maximum, the current maximum and the new value. 827ec27edc