Download PATCHED Sox For Windows 64 Bit
a) Windows returns drive serial number, which is not a real serial number, b) the number can differ depending on the OS (which was a topic of a couple of bug reports on Microsoft Connect). The flipped S/N are caused by buggy WMI, not encoding problems. (BTW, jrv, how on earth can the difference between ANSI and Unicode encoding be responsible for swapping letters in string? Care to explain?)To the OP and anyone who wants to use WMI to get HD properties:If you can, avoid WMI when accessing those information. Especially if some vital functionality depends on it. WMI just appears to be broken and you cannot depend on it giving you concise results. Use IOCTLs in an executable tool and wrap it with your script instead. If you have to use PowerShell all the way (for example when you need to run the command remotely on domain nodes) take into account the points above. The subject of WMI returning bad serial numbers for accounts with different access rights was reported to Microsoft in 2010. Apparently it hasn''t been fully resolved since. d2c66b5586