Microsoft Office 2010 Pro Plus X64 [pre-activated]
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Once the setup is completed, select the desired activation path. The activation process can be manual or automatic. For the manual process, you need to select from the available activation methods. For the automatic process, you need to select the desired activation path. You will see the following two options for the automatic process:
Trusted Activation Path
Trusted Activation Path (with Repository)
By default, Trusted Activation Path will search the activation path from the source server (Intune server) where the deployment policy is attached. However, if you have a local Windows Software Distribution (WSD) server with the same deployment policy, then you can select Trusted Activation Path (with Repository) to download the activation package from the WSD server. The Trusted Activation Path (with Repository) makes the activation process quicker since it doesn’t need to download the activation package from a remote location.
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