Meteor Modeler
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Cordova Hot Code Push mechanism is now switching versions explicitly withcall to WebAppLocalServer.switchToPendingVersion instead of trying toswitch every time a browser reload is detected. If you use any thirdparty package or have your own HCP routines implemented be sure to callit before forcing a browser reload. If you use the automatic reload fromthe Reload meteor package you do not need to do anything.cordova-plugin-meteor-webapp PR #62
If your application is using Git for version control, the current Gitcommit hash will now be exposed via the Meteor.gitCommitHash propertywhile the app is running (in both server and client code), and also viathe "gitCommitHash" property in the star.json file located in theroot directory of builds produced by meteor build, for consumption bydeployment tools. If you are not using Git, neither property will bedefined. PR #10442
Add --cordova-server-port option to override local port where Cordova willserve static resources, which is useful when multiple Cordova apps are builtfrom the same application source code, since by default the port is generatedusing the ID from the application's.meteor/.id file.
The comment from shogo has been removed from the section onthe Iron Router blog post with the new number. Note that in futurenumbers will be based on the number of commits/pull requests/PRs thatdepend on the content of the number.
Using the reagent package, which support a new '_react' key to add to theprops parameter, you can pass a custom function to the 'class' field toforce the template to display different data in the DOM when a user islogged in, using something like 'class=_react(, ' + data.admin + ')'. This can be used to disablesome elements in the DOM which normallycause performance issues.In a future version of ReactiveDict, the value of this field will be automaticallyapplied to req.userAttributes, which will make this much more powerful. Thisfeature will be available soon in the first alpha release of ReactiveDict. d2c66b5586