Star Wars X Wing Special Edition
Star Wars X Wing Special Edition >>>>>
Star Wars: X-Wing is a series of space flight simulator video games based in the Star Wars media franchise that attempts to simulate the fictional experience of starfighter combat, while remaining faithful to the movies. The player took the role of a pilot of the Rebel Alliance, and, in later games, the Galactic Empire. To complete the games, players must complete missions such as simple dogfights with opposition starfighters, reconnaissance and inspection tasks, escort duty for freighters or capital ships, or attacks on larger opposition ships. In addition to dogfighting designed to resemble the free-wheeling duels of World War I, the games also offered the challenge of managing power resources and wingmen, and using weapons effectively.
TIE Fighter (1994) picks the story up just after the Battle of Hoth. The player is initially assigned to various tasks around the galaxy, including helping protect a space station under construction on the Outer Rim, quelling a war between two non-aligned planets, and hunting down pirates. The game shifts to a growing internal threat to the Empire from two rogue Admirals. One sells his services to the Rebellion, while the other attempts to overthrow the Emperor. The game has special objectives in certain missions that increase the player's prestige with the Emperor. The game ends just before the Battle of Endor. TIE Fighter includes a number of cameo appearances, including Mon Mothma, Emperor Palpatine, then-Vice Admiral Thrawn, and Darth Vader (who in one mission fights alongside the player).
The main character of TIE Fighter is Maarek Stele, although his name is only revealed in the strategy guide and The Stele Chronicles, a short work of fiction explaining the backstory to TIE Fighter. TIE Fighter had advanced features including Gouraud shading for more realistic polygon models, and a more advanced targeting computer (showing a miniature polygon of the targeted vessel, which allows the player to see the target's relative orientation). Besides allowing the player to fly the TIE fighters, TIE Bombers, and TIE Interceptors seen in the films, the game also adds new craft with shields, weaponry, and hyperdrives. These included the Cygnus Assault Gunboat, TIE Advanced \"Avenger\", TIE Defender, and Cygnus Missile Gunboat (in the Defender of the Empire and Enemies of the Empire expansion packs). By the fifth campaign, the new TIE craft replace the fighters depicted in the films. As a result, the gameplay ends up similar to X-Wing, since the player's side does not feature mass overwhelming attacks with expendable craft (as the Empire would do at the height of its power), and often the player does not have the benefit of wingmen. This can be partially explained by the player being part of a special task force headed by Thrawn, tasked with destroying the rogue Grand Admiral Zaarin.
Star Wars: X-Wing and its sequel, Star Wars: TIE Fighter, will get special edition digital releases through, according to announcements uncovered by members of the GOG forums. This is the first time the two classic LucasArts space combat sims, which first hit DOS computers in the early '90s, will be available via digital distribution.
X-Wing and TIE Fighter, originally released in 1993 and 1994, are so good that they entirely hold up 20 years later. Unless you ran DOSBox or something similar, however, both games were out of reach until they were re-released as Star Wars: X-Wing Special Edition and Star Wars: TIE Fighter Special Edition on Tuesday. GOG released both the original versions, and enhanced special editions that feature original John Williams music scoring and updated graphics.
Wing Commander, released in 1990, is generally regarded as the first, modern 3D space combat flight simulator, following in the footsteps of precursor games like Elite. When Chris Roberts, the creator of Wing Commander, talked to me several years ago about his motivation to develop the game, Roberts said he had wanted to create the feeling of being Luke Skywalker in his X-Wing starfighter. 59ce067264