Principles Of Concurrent And Distributed Programming Ebook Download
Just as each new spoken language can make you smarter and increase youroptions, each programming language increases your mental tool kit,adding new abstractions you can throw at each new problem. Knowledge ispower. The Seven in Seven series builds on that power across manydifferent dimensions. Each chapter in each book walks you through somenontrivial problem with each language, or database, or web server. Thesebooks take commitment to read, but their impact can be profound.
Learn about the perils of traditional threads and locks programming andhow to overcome them through careful design and by working with thestandard library. See how actors enable software running ongeographically distributed computers to collaborate, handle failure, andcreate systems that stay up 24/7/365. Understand why shared mutablestate is the enemy of robust concurrent code, and see how functionalprogramming together with technologies such as Software TransactionalMemory (STM) and automatic parallelism help you tame it. 153554b96e